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Exergy calculator

Easy exergy calculator

This exergy calculator calculates automatically the chemical exergy of any chemical compound.

  • See instructions for the exergy calculator here.
  • Go to the "Advanced Exergy Calculator" if you want to introduce your own Gibbs free energy value.
  • You can search in our database for chemical names too, not only for chemical formulas.
  • The exergy calculator provides also the standard enthalpy of chemical substances.
  • Click on the reference names, they are linked to the references on this portal and can bring you easily to books, papers, and so on...
ResultsInput Data
Chemical formula or chemical name (in English) (necessary)
Enter the chemical name (in English), eg. "Zircon" or write the chemical formula, eg. "ZrSiO4"
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The exergy calculator generates the exergy data with the Reference Environment published in: Valero, A.; Valero, A. and Stanek, W. (2018) Assessing the exergy degradation of the natural capital: From Szargut's updated reference environment to the new thermoecological-cost methodology. Energy. Volume 163, 15, pp. 1140-1149.



TaesLab: New version!

New version of TaesLab available! Free download here.

TaesLab is a software tool designed for the thermoeconomic analysis of energy systems.



The Material Limits of Energy Transition: Thanatia

Antonio Valero Capilla, Alicia Valero Delgado and Guiomar Calvo

This book provides a holistic view of raw mineral depletion in the context of renewable energy transistion.

The material limits Thanatia


Thanatia. Los límites minerales del planeta

mites minerales del planeta

Antonio Valero Capilla and Alicia Valero Delgado interviewed by Adrián Almazán

We need a material transition, not only energetic, that restores nature and effectively reuses materials. Gaia must be cared for by extending life on Earth and slowing its degradation towards Thanatia.

Thanatia los limites


Thermodynamics for Sustainable Management of Natural Resources

Cover Thermodynamics

Wojciech Stanek (Editor)

This book examines ways of assessing the rational management of nonrenewable resources. Integrating numerous methods, it systematically exposes the strengths of exergy analysis in resources management.

Thanatia: The Destiny of the Earth's Mineral Resources

Cover Thanatia

A Thermodynamic Cradle-to-Cradle Assessment by (author): Antonio Valero Capilla and Alicia Valero Delgado

Is Gaia becoming Thanatia, a resource exhausted planet? For how long can our high-tech society be sustained in the light of declining mineral ore grades, heavy dependence on un-recycled critical metals and accelerated material dispersion? These are all root causes of future disruptions that need to be addressed today.