Message from Alicia Valero
Dear colleagues, dear friends,
These are unsettling times and COVID-19 is clearly impacting our personal and professional lives, and those that we love. I wanted to wish you, your loved ones and fellow colleagues, a safe passage through this difficult period. Please take care and stay positive.
It has been months since the last time we contacted you, that said, we are back again and we are commited to keep you posted about last Exergy news regulary. If you need to refresh your mind about the different contents in The Exergoecology Portal you can check it in our first Newsletter. We would like to create a bi-directional dialogue so feel free to provide us with information related to new papers published on the field, new projects, and all kinds of contents that could be relevant to be included in the website and in coming newsletters. Finally, we encourage you to disseminate it among your colleagues and to sign the Exergy Manifiesto.
Warmest regards,
Relative Free Energy Function and Structural Theory of Thermoeconomics
Valero A, Torres C. Relative Free Energy Function and Structural Theory of Thermoeconomics. Energies 2020, 13(8), 2024.
This paper introduces a new thermodynamic function, called the "relative free energy", and a new parameter called "deterioration temperature". The relative free energy function allows for an exact relationship between the amount of used resources and the increase in entropy generation caused by the deterioration path of the component. The paper explores the advantages of using this function instead of exergy to costing assessments of component deteriorations.

HSC Chemistry 9.9
New version of HSC Chemistry has been released. It allows to perform exergy and thermoeconomic analyses of thermal and metallurgical plants. It contains new features, improvements and a number of bug fixes. You can see the full list of changes since 2015, here.
You can easily learn to use the software via 12 video tutorials in Youtube.

Save the date
ECOS 2020 : 29 June- 3 July
33rd International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulationand Environmental Impact of Energy systems (ECOS).
Due to Coronavirus Pandemic and considering the health of the attendees and conference staff as well as travel restrictions, the Organizational Committee of Osaka Prefecture University and Waseda University have decided to cancel holding the ECOS 2020 "on-site and in-person" conference. However, they have considered the feasibility of a web-based (online or offline) conference.
You can read all the new steps on the website:
CPOTE 2020: 20-24 September
6th International Conference on Contemporary Problems of Thermal Engineerin
Taking care of our common good and safety in this insecure pandemic situation, the Organization Comittee has decided that the CPOTE 2020 will be held online on September 21st – 24th, 2020.
In order to rightfully present the conference paper and obtain a certificate for presenting the work, you have the following possibilities:
- Give a live scheduled presentation for one selected paper
- Upload an audio-video presentation
- Upload a slideshow presentation or a poster in pdf format
Check the full information about deadlines and fees on the website:
Other recently published scientific papers
Thornea R.J., Sundsetha K., Boumana E., Czarnowska L., Mathisend A., Skagestadd R., Stanek W., Pacyna J., Pacyna E.: Technical and environmental viability of a European CO2 EOR system. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 92 (2020) 102857.
Simla T., Stanek W.: Reducing the impact of wind farms on the electric power system by the use of energy storage. Renewable Energy 145 (2020) 772-782.
Stanek W., Simla T., Gazda W.: Exergetic and thermo-ecological assessment of heat pump supported by electricity from renewable sources. Renew. Energy 2019 vol. 131, s. 404-412.
Stanek W., Simla T.: Exergetic diagnostics of a gas-and-steam power plant. Civ. Environ. Eng. Rep. 2019 nr 29 (1), s. 1-17.
Simla T., Stanek W., Czarnowska L.: Thermo-ecological cost of electricity generated in wind turbine systems. Trans. ASME, J. Energy Resour. Technol. 2019 vol. 141 iss. 3, art. no. 031201 s. 1-7.
Valero A, Valero A. Thermodynamic Rarity and Recyclability of Raw Materials in the Energy Transition: The Need for an In-Spiral Economy. Entropy 2019, 21(9), 873.
Palacios J.L, Fernandes I, Abadias A, Valero, A, Valero A and Reuter M.A. Avoided energy cost of producing minerals: The case of iron ore. Energy Reports 2019 5, 364.
Palacios J.L, Abadias, A, Valero A, ValeroA and Reuter, M.A. Producing metals from common rocks: The case of gold. Resources, Conservation and Recycling 2019, 148, 23.
Palacios J.L, Abadias, A, Valero A, ValeroA and Reuter, M.A. The energy needed to concentrate minerals from common rocks: The case of copper ore. Energy 2019, 181, 494.
Abadías A, and Valero A, Valero A, and Torres C, Hultgren M, Peltomäki M, Roine A, Stelter M and Reuter, M.A. Simulation-based exergy, thermo-economic and environmental footprint analysis of primary copper production. Minerals Engineering 2019, 131, 51.
Rangel V. H. ,Torres C., Zaleta, A. and Gomez M.A. The Exergy Costs of Electrical Power, Cooling, and Waste Heat from a Hybrid System Based on a Solid Oxide Fuel Cell and an Absorption Refrigeration System. Energies 2019, 12(18), 3476.
More published scientific papers